Genesis, chapters 1 and 2, describe what Earth's original boundaries are. Understanding the original boundaries as God created them in the beginning will help us understand what the Bible is all about, which reveals Jesus Christ and the only plan of salvation. What is God's boundary anyway? READ and you will catch on.
On the first day, God established the boundary between light and darkness. The light was called Day and the darkness was called Night. Light and darkness could not mingle together because God's WORD set the boundary between them.
On the second day, God SPOKE and the boundary of the firmament or the atmosphere containing the air we breathe, was established which divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters above it. And He called this firmament heaven, what we call the first heaven. [The second heaven is space outside our atmosphere, and third Heaven is where God dwells.]
On the third day, God SPOKE, establishing the boundary of the seas, separating the dry land from the waters. Then he SPOKE and plants of all kinds came into existence, fully grown and already yielding fruits and seeds and grains. He established a boundary for each plant by SAYING that each seed from each certain plant would produce only another plant just like it.
On the fourth day, God SPOKE the sun, moon and stars into existence, and SPOKE the boundaries of time: seasons, days and years. The greater light of the sun was to rule the day, while the lesser light would rule the night.
On the fifth day, God SPOKE the fishes of all kinds which were bound to the seas, and the birds of all kinds which were bound to the region of the atmosphere. Then He SPOKE the boundary for their reproduction and said that they were to bring forth abundantly and produce each after their kind.
On the sixth day, God SPOKE into existence the land animals of all kinds, including insects which were to produce after their kind, setting a boundary there. But God also made man and woman on that day, and SPOKE to them their boundaries: they were to have dominion of the earth--over the animals, fishes, and fowls. He SPOKE the boundary of marriage into existence, to include only two, a man and his wife, and that they were to have children. God also SPOKE the boundary of what man should eat for perfect health: every seed bearing herb of the field and of the fruit trees except the one, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If they ate of this restricted tree, they would die, or cease to live.
On the seventh day, God was done creating, and did no more work on that day. He rested from all His work, then set the boundary for that day by speaking a blessing for the seventh day and sanctifying the day, setting it apart for a holy use (after He had rested on the day). It was to be holy from then on. So God created the seventh day free from all unnecessary work. The day was to mark the end of Creation Week, and He made it His rest day, and sanctified it and blessed it for man (Mark 2:27, 28), set it apart for a holy purpose, so that man might also rest from his own work every seventh day and keep that day holy. Because of God's SPOKEN WORD, His blessing and sanctifying the day, the Sabbath is the set boundary for the week. Without the Sabbath day, we would have no rest from our labors, and no reminder that God is the Creator of heaven and earth, and that we are to rest because He rested. The boundary for the weekly cycle is the Seventh-day Sabbath which God blessed.
So the question is, if the world was created with all these boundaries, wouldn't they still be important for life on planet earth today? YES.
Notice that God has established the boundaries that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10) But Satan has been at work to try to get mankind to destroy the boundaries so that mankind might perish off the face of the earth. Christ came to redeem what Satan has been trying to do to destroy the earth and us with it. (John 3:16)
The question is, are we willing to obey the boundaries God has SPOKEN into existence? When the world became so wicked in Noah's time, God broke the boundaries of the seas He had made and the world was flooded to destroy the wicked. 2 Peter says that once again God will destroy the face of the earth, not with a flood of water, but with fire, that He might reestablish the boundaries of the earth and so that the meek will inherit the earth as He has promised. (Matthew 5:5) Christ will not set up His kingdom on this earth until after the 1,000 years, when He will destroy sinners and the old earth by fire, and recreate the earth more beautiful than ever, where the Redeemed of all the ages will dwell forever.
Though we all have fallen into sin, we can choose to be free from those sins and be forgiven, if we will come to Jesus and just ask Him, and ask Him into our hearts and fill our minds with His word, to give us victory over the Devil. Christ came to destroy the Devil and his works. We do not want to be destroyed with him.
God bless and I hope this subject of God's boundaries of His word, helps someone today.