I believe that Christ kept all the Commandments of God, because the Bible says that He did no sin (Heb. 4:15), even though He came in the likeness of our sinful flesh, the God/man, our human-Divine Mediator (Romans 8:3). He set the example for us in our humanity as to how we are to live--to reflect His character, even as He reflected the character of the Father. We can only reflect, we cannot be the source as He and the Father are.
Therefore, I believe that Jesus Christ did keep the Sabbath fully as humanity must keep it, as well as the other nine commandments (Exodus 20:1-17). He had the Spirit of the Law, and if you have the Spirit of the Law, you will also have the works of the Law. Many people have the works and no spirit, and we cannot be saved by the works of the Law. And what good is the Spirit of the Law unless we practice what we believe to be true? We must be born again (John 3:3), following the Spirit and not the carnal flesh (Romans 8). Christ did the works of the Law, but that was because He was full of the Holy Spirit, and He loved the Law of God, and it was seen to be written in His heart. (Psalm 40:8.)
Therefore, Christ fulfilled His own and the Father's Ten Commandment Law, as well as the biblical statutes and judgments which explain the Law, living it fully and joyfully, showing that sinful humanity when connected to divinity by FAITH in Christ their Saviour, can keep the Law of God. Although He was perfect in how He lived, we can only strive towards perfection as we trust Him. He also fulfilled the ceremonial system, not that we are to keep it, no! but that He might show us its purpose and meaning which foreshadowed His work of saving us from sin. He is the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He was slain from the foundation of the world via the symbolism of the sacrificial system, and now memorialized in the Communion Service (Revelation 13:8). He was sacrificed once for us, bringing an end to the sacrificial system, for that was only a shadow of the reality of who He was, Jesus Christ, the offering for our sins (Colossians 2:14-17). The yearly feast days, the yearly feast sabbaths (not seventh-day Sabbaths) and sacrifices and offerings for sin were no longer necessary, for they all pointed forward to Christ, the true Sacrifice.
The weekly Sabbath is the memorial of our Creator, and identifies Him and His position: the Lord God who made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all that in them is, in six days and rested the seventh day (Exodus 20:8-11). The weekly Sabbath is also a memorial of His creative power to make us new Creatures in Him. He was the Redeemer who brought us out of Egypt, out of slavery to sin (Exodus 20:1-3) So it memorializes that He is the one who is sanctifying us, making us holy and victorious over sin. 'We cannot overcome sin without Him. The Sabbath is His sign to His true people who have the Law written in their hearts, that He is the Lord who is sanctifying them. See Exodus 31:12-17 and Ezekiel 20:12, 20, etc. The Sabbath therefore is the sign of the New Covenant. (Hebrews 8:8-12). It surpasses Sunday which is entirely a man-made holiday established by the papacy, not being commanded by God in the Bible at all. The Lord's Day of the Bible is only found to be the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week. Unfortunately one has to go to the traditions of the so-called early Church Fathers (who are not inspired of God) to find reason to make Sunday the Lord's Day. I praise the Lord for His truth and creative power to work in us through the Holy Spirit, and that the Bible teaches us the truth!
I hope these biblical truths will catch like wildfire, to God's glory.
Therefore, I believe that Jesus Christ did keep the Sabbath fully as humanity must keep it, as well as the other nine commandments (Exodus 20:1-17). He had the Spirit of the Law, and if you have the Spirit of the Law, you will also have the works of the Law. Many people have the works and no spirit, and we cannot be saved by the works of the Law. And what good is the Spirit of the Law unless we practice what we believe to be true? We must be born again (John 3:3), following the Spirit and not the carnal flesh (Romans 8). Christ did the works of the Law, but that was because He was full of the Holy Spirit, and He loved the Law of God, and it was seen to be written in His heart. (Psalm 40:8.)
Therefore, Christ fulfilled His own and the Father's Ten Commandment Law, as well as the biblical statutes and judgments which explain the Law, living it fully and joyfully, showing that sinful humanity when connected to divinity by FAITH in Christ their Saviour, can keep the Law of God. Although He was perfect in how He lived, we can only strive towards perfection as we trust Him. He also fulfilled the ceremonial system, not that we are to keep it, no! but that He might show us its purpose and meaning which foreshadowed His work of saving us from sin. He is the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He was slain from the foundation of the world via the symbolism of the sacrificial system, and now memorialized in the Communion Service (Revelation 13:8). He was sacrificed once for us, bringing an end to the sacrificial system, for that was only a shadow of the reality of who He was, Jesus Christ, the offering for our sins (Colossians 2:14-17). The yearly feast days, the yearly feast sabbaths (not seventh-day Sabbaths) and sacrifices and offerings for sin were no longer necessary, for they all pointed forward to Christ, the true Sacrifice.
The weekly Sabbath is the memorial of our Creator, and identifies Him and His position: the Lord God who made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all that in them is, in six days and rested the seventh day (Exodus 20:8-11). The weekly Sabbath is also a memorial of His creative power to make us new Creatures in Him. He was the Redeemer who brought us out of Egypt, out of slavery to sin (Exodus 20:1-3) So it memorializes that He is the one who is sanctifying us, making us holy and victorious over sin. 'We cannot overcome sin without Him. The Sabbath is His sign to His true people who have the Law written in their hearts, that He is the Lord who is sanctifying them. See Exodus 31:12-17 and Ezekiel 20:12, 20, etc. The Sabbath therefore is the sign of the New Covenant. (Hebrews 8:8-12). It surpasses Sunday which is entirely a man-made holiday established by the papacy, not being commanded by God in the Bible at all. The Lord's Day of the Bible is only found to be the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week. Unfortunately one has to go to the traditions of the so-called early Church Fathers (who are not inspired of God) to find reason to make Sunday the Lord's Day. I praise the Lord for His truth and creative power to work in us through the Holy Spirit, and that the Bible teaches us the truth!
I hope these biblical truths will catch like wildfire, to God's glory.
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