Friday, March 9, 2007

Mercy and Justice

How do mercy and justice work together?

If I rob a bank and get caught, yet I truly repent, do I receive mercy, or do I only receive justice? I would most likely receive both, one from God and the other from the courts. God readily forgives those who repent of their wrong-doing who show their repentance, either by restoring what was stolen with interest, or if they are not able to do that, they still confess to their guilt and take the punishment whatever it is. True repentance is not to be frowned upon, but to be admired.

Several years ago, I had received a ticket for speeding on the way to the airport to pick up my husband whom I hadn't seen for about a month. It was late winter when the roads were thawing, and the speed limit had been reduced to 30 mph instead of 45 in one section of road I was on. I was doing a little over 50, completely oblivious to the new posted speed limit. At the "T" in the road, I saw a patrolman waiting for me with the lights flashing. Then I began to realize those 30's on the signs I was passing was for traffic speed. My ignorance made no difference to the officer. There was no mercy, and besides he was not the one to extend the mercy if he could. I had broken the law, and it was no one's fault but my own. I had to suffer the consequences in order for the law to be satisfied, which is called "justice," a heavy fine.

If I had been awake to the new rule, I would have driven slowly, I am sure. But I couldn't really justify my action and had to admit that I had done the wrong thing in speeding. Even if I assured the officer that I had not meant to speed, or that I would never speed again, it made no difference to him. But thankfully, God is not like that. He knows that we will do wrong things ignorantly even though in our heart we think we are doing right. We should not be afraid to confess our ignorance and ask for His forgiveness.

But if I purposely drove fast, purposely ignored the rules, that would show a different attitude of heart, and to try to confess this wrong-doing as ignorance would be like adding a lie to the crime done. What needs to be confessed is the rebellious heart, or attitude towards the law. God longs to forgive that if we will but confess and ask for a new heart.

We hope that you will look to Jesus Christ your Saviour from sin, and learn to love Him, and with all your heart, keep His commandments, which are only for your good always.

Read Psalm 23 again. We will post again next Monday, the Lord willing. Bye for now!

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